2015年的最后一天看到了Ian Murdock自杀的消息 目前这个信息还没有确定 但他肯定遇到了麻烦 作为一个Debian用户 衷心的祝福他
Debian在国内也被戏称为「大便」 因为读音很像 之前我以为它和Ubuntu一样都是某种语言里面的一个词 今天看维基百科才发现不对 是Ian和他女朋友Deb名字的组合词
;; This buffer is for text that is not saved, and for Lisp evaluation.
;; To create a file, visit it with C-x C-f and enter text in its buffer.
Hick整理了一个Emacs中文化的文档 算是一个尝试 我也添加有关Windows下UTF-8设置的问题 基于的就是之前写的在MS-Windows平台下使用UTF-8编码
i’ve used PyCharm for a day or two, and it’s rather lackluster. But, for more complex stuff, i’ve tried WebStorm syntax highlighting, it stands out ABOVE ALL. (when you work with web, you know, thousands of keywords from BOM & DOM. 〔➤ JavaScript: Browser Object Model, Document Object Model〕 〔➤ Xah Web Dev Tutorials〕 ) See Syntax Coloring in Editors. Really because, it has a language-aware static analyzer builtin. The emacs counter part is CEDET. 〔➤ Emacs 23.2 Features (released 2010-05)〕 It’s been in emacs for 5 years now. But i have yet to tackle it. I’m sure, it will take me a week to figure it out, and the outcome, may just be abandon. While, JetBrain stuff, works out of the box. That’s a big difference between commercial software and open source. (if you are reading this, and if you are young, you probably have beefs with my call and forthwith diss xah’s blogs. You! Too Simple! Too young! NAÏVE! And if you are the few old bags glued to the FSF ideology or open source nirvana, well, good for you. (you know? actually, i was surprised that there are many people today who do not know the difference between FSF and Open Source, and do not know, that they are at war. (here’s trick. To get rms extremely angry, just say to him, sincerely: “Thank you for all your contribution to open source.” (make sure you don’t have something shatterable nearby.))))
之前写过有关Windows支持daemon的事 但当时说 实用性不强 因为关闭命令提示符emacs进程就结束了
今天突然发现 用runemacs --daemon
就可以了 这条命令运行后会启动emacs服务 不会出现黑框框
在中文版的Word 2013及Word 2013 SP1中,新建的文档无法使用连字功能,表现是在字体设置的预览里面有效果。在文档中无效果。数字类型和间距的设置也是无效的。
,我一直没搞明白,因为Emacs里有一个快捷的方式可以输入类似的符号,C-x 8 u