
i’ve used PyCharm for a day or two, and it’s rather lackluster. But, for more complex stuff, i’ve tried WebStorm syntax highlighting, it stands out ABOVE ALL. (when you work with web, you know, thousands of keywords from BOM & DOM. 〔➤ JavaScript: Browser Object Model, Document Object Model〕 〔➤ Xah Web Dev Tutorials〕 ) See Syntax Coloring in Editors. Really because, it has a language-aware static analyzer builtin. The emacs counter part is CEDET. 〔➤ Emacs 23.2 Features (released 2010-05)〕 It’s been in emacs for 5 years now. But i have yet to tackle it. I’m sure, it will take me a week to figure it out, and the outcome, may just be abandon. While, JetBrain stuff, works out of the box. That’s a big difference between commercial software and open source. (if you are reading this, and if you are young, you probably have beefs with my call and forthwith diss xah’s blogs. You! Too Simple! Too young! NAÏVE! And if you are the few old bags glued to the FSF ideology or open source nirvana, well, good for you. (you know? actually, i was surprised that there are many people today who do not know the difference between FSF and Open Source, and do not know, that they are at war. (here’s trick. To get rms extremely angry, just say to him, sincerely: “Thank you for all your contribution to open source.” (make sure you don’t have something shatterable nearby.))))




2018-02-28 Update:


most negative comment here is holier-than-thou syndrome.

people wants to attach mythical quality to emacs.

as tooling goes, mastery of atom editor or code editor and its js language, is far more deep and rewarding, financially or how modern software system works.

if a tool kept you thinking you always don’t know something, there’s something wrong with the tool or the community.

in fact, vast majority of emacs users for over 10 years, only know how to use the very bare basic features, and know no emacs lisp at all. I know, in part because lots such users told me so, in email or in comment. (most, will not disclose their names in public)

and there are very old users (over 20 years emacs), who even have problems with upgrading emacs, and still stick to how emacs ways of 20 years ago, with their 20 years old habits and config.

most emacs users, they do not read online emacs blogs, or, maybe a couple of times per year. What we see on reddit or other emacs forums, are not typical emacs users.
